Accidents moved to the number one cause of fatalities in the fire service in 2012. Training is key in reducing this trend!
Driver Training from FD International provides hands-on, high-stress, real-life driver training in a safe and controlled environment. Our program has been designed and developed with our goal of “To Help Those Who Help Others.”
This training is NOT a video game driving simulation. This is a real world, hands on, feel the truck move out from underneath you training.
The FD International Driver Program is a great opportunity for firefighters to gain knowledge about safety while exhibiting specific driving maneuvers such as over-compensation, adverse road conditions, skid avoidance and correction, as well as a wide range of other learned aspects that firefighters all over the world should know.
Our truck’s patented internal systems will cause your drivers to face a loss of control situation and learn how to regain control of the apparatus. During an average hands on training day, your drivers will be challenged with as many as 30 skids!
Combined with our experienced driving instructors and online course, FD International helps your students explore the basic question of the driver/operator – “Why do we do what we do?”